This is a small tool that started as a private investigation into the functionality of some Windows API, to grow into a “CharMap” with some extras.
Internationalization Cookbook This is my personal blog. The views expressed on these pages are mine alone and not those of my employer. |
CharMapEx – Some kind of character map :-)This is a small tool that started as a private investigation into the functionality of some Windows API, to grow into a “CharMap” with some extras. How to localize an RC file?You can find many articles on how to build a localized application, how to deal with resizing, you name it. But I could not find any clear documentation on exactly what are the parts that you should translate. So, here it is! How to test if a user is Administrator on localized systems?On some of the localized Windows version the names of the Administator uses and the Administrators group is translated. How to test in a locale-independent way if a user is Administrator? Mojibake, question marks, and other troublesDealing with the most common character corruption problems in DBCS localization Basic lingoTring to help you “grok” terms like character set, charset, coded character set, code page, encoding Visual Studio Unicode projectsHow to change a Visual Studio project to compile as Unicode String API and internationalizationWhat string class/API is best for internationalization? What is a “Unicode application”?Is there such a thing? Suspense, controversy, and a surprising conclusion, in today’s episode. “Reverse IME” (getting hiragana/katakana/pinyin/bopomofo from kanji)Obtaining pronunciation information from Kanji using the MS IME API Unicode .RC in VS 2005Problems with Unicode in .RC files produced by the Visual Studio 2005 Resource Editor |