I am starting to write my first application. No books, not nothing. Just jump and try to swim.
Internationalization Cookbook This is my personal blog. The views expressed on these pages are mine alone and not those of my employer. |
Archive for June, 2005Starting Mac Programming – Chapter two – my first programI am starting to write my first application. No books, not nothing. Just jump and try to swim. Starting Mac Programming – Chapter oneMaking the Big (Mac) decisions: what to buy, what compiler, Carbon or Cocoa? Starting Mac ProgrammingI am moving to the dark side: learning some Mac programming. Not to become an expert, but at least to see how internationalization works in that part of the world :-) Setting the user and system localesOne of the most basic operations. You will need to do this countless times if you have to use non-Unicode applications to manipulate localized data (for instance if you have to resize Japanese resources in Developer Studio .NET 2003 or earlier). |